Our Wedding pictures finally!!!!! Only took me 7 months to finally get around and get my pictures printed and get organized enough to start my wedding scrapbook. Here is the first 2 that I have gotten done so far.
Sunday we have out annual Blue and Gold Banquet for cub scouts, I did a nice scrapbooking board for our Wolves and our Bears. This is a special dinner for all the Webelos 2. They cross over to become a Boy Scout, Such a nice honor that they have achieved. I will post pictures after the dinner. right now I am just posting the board.
Ok, I said I do scrapbooking, So I decided to show off what I do. With my husband buying me a new cricut machine for christmas, I really enjoy my scrapbooking, I will post more as I get more done.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Our wedding Day
We were married on August 9,2006 in Bethel Park, It was such a nice sunny day that we got to be married outside. This is one of the happiest day of my life.
I used to have a blog here. But somehow it is lost in the new version, That is ok, This one will be much better and hopefully more up to date. Alot of things have gone on since I did anything with this blog, I am now happily married to my Brit. He moved here from England on July 23, 2006 and we were married on August 9 2006. He is the best, I could never be happier then I am now. I will have to post some pictures as soon as I get my hubby to show me how LOL. I will have to come back and write, Right now I guess I should go and help my hubby and son put out new kitchen table together, I went and bought it and they get to put it together.